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Blog 10: Studious Spring Break

My progress with my research paper for project 2 has come substantially far since spring break. I was able to get an in-depth interview that shared experience living in my same environment, so that he could vouch for that culture of my hometown. This was great, because there is not a lot of research on the history of my hometown that I could find in relation to my topic of discussion. This interview will cover a lot of the points in my paper, being that i could not find enough valid sources to support my research on the area around the field that we typically play football on. However, I was also able to find a lot of research on the history of my hometown's football team, the stadium, and the impact of an NFL team being in Jacksonville on local residents. I feel that I have a solid conclusion, but am hesitant to leave it as is, because of its short length. Overall, I am feeling good about the potential of my Project 2 and will gear in toward making it as informational and 'readable' as possible.

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