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Blog 8: What About Class?

In regard to what we have been discussing in class and what we have learned about all the tips and strategies to implement in writing, I'd have to say that the things that we have went over in class have been very helpful when it comes to improving my papers. The discussions held in class have provided a list of good pointers to focus on in order to make the paper clear and concise. The reference text, Consider the Lobster, serves as a great model template for me to implement similar ideas to my paper, like its sarcastic tone and the way in which the paper is organized for example. Also, I have had issues similar to those discussed in class regarding finding sources to use that are not all about the same exact thing. I try using the "NOT", "AND", and "OR" options, and I a slightly better chance of finding useful sources to use to support a main point in my paper. Something that I still would like to know about this project is whether our point or argument has to be for a specific agenda, or say, are we arguing to just prove a point, arguing to motivate readers to take action, etc.

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